Hearing aid whistling, or feedback, is a common issue that usually has clear causes and solutions. Here are the main reasons for feedback and how you can fix them:
Improper Fit: A poor fit is one of the leading causes of hearing aid whistling. When the hearing aid doesn’t sit securely in your ear, sound escapes and the microphone picks it up, creating a feedback loop. Ensure the hearing aid fits snugly and comfortably. If necessary, try different ear tips or molds to improve the seal.
Earwax Buildup: Earwax can block the hearing aid’s microphone or speaker, leading to feedback. Clean both your ears and hearing aids regularly to prevent earwax buildup. If you struggle with earwax, consult a healthcare professional for safe removal.
High Volume: Setting the volume too high can cause the hearing aid to amplify sound beyond a safe level, resulting in feedback. Lower the volume to a comfortable level to prevent this issue.
Loose or Worn Parts: Over time, tubing or ear molds can loosen or wear out, affecting sound transmission and causing feedback. Perform regular maintenance, clean your devices, and replace any worn parts as needed.
Device Sensitivity or Programming: If the hearing aid’s settings or sensitivity are too high, it may cause feedback. Adjust the settings or have an audiologist reprogram the device to resolve this.
Have you noticed any of these issues? If you’re unsure, it might be a good idea to schedule a visit at one of our clinics to have the fit and settings checked. Proper maintenance, fit, and regular checkups can ensure that your hearing aids work effectively and comfortably.